Short Book Review: For Times of Trouble - Jeffrey R. Holland
This was a very peaceful book to read. I had never before thought of the Psalms as being so important! Jeffrey Holland helps the reader recognize the beauty and solace that comes from understanding the Psalms better. There are a few main points that I captured by reading this book: 1. The Psalms are the most quoted scriptures in the Old and New Testaments. They may be the most quoted scriptures period. 2. Jesus Christ loved the Psalms, and they were very linked with the Beatitudes He taught in the Sermon on the Mount. 3. Jeffrey Holland has a section on the "Crucifixtion and Atonement", which are taught beautifully in the Psalms. Elder Holland talks about how Christ had none of His bones broken on the cross, which is characteristic of many crucifixions. Crucifiers break the bones of those hanging on the cross to speed up their death. However, Christ was already dead, so they instead pierced His side with a spear, in which case water and blood spilled out of Him. What is interested about the fact that blood flowed out of him with the water is that He had no internal injuries to produce such blood. What Holland, and others such as Talmage suggest, is that Christ died by a literal broken heart. Jesus said, " Reproach hath broken my heart" (Psalms 69: 20), and also that "My heart is like wax; and is melted in the midst of my bowels" (Psalms 22: 14). Thus, Jesus died of a heart that broke, spiritually, emotionally, and physically because of the pain He endured for the sins of the world.
His literal broken heart, which killed Him, is why He asks us to have a broken heart and contrite spirit, which is the sacrifice we offer to Him which will save us. I have a greater longing to feel what He felt for others. I desire greater compassion and love. I'm so grateful that my Savior endured so much for me. My hope is that I can experience a measure of brokenness myself, that my heart will break for the sins of myself and others, and that I will reach out more fully in love for all. To Order For Times of Trouble: CLICK HERE There is a DVD included with this book. Here is a question/answer with Elder Holland clip:
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Please share your feelings in an uplifting way! I hope this can be a conduit of inspiration where many can discuss their beliefs and discover even more Truths to guide daily living.