For those who are
honestly seeking answers regarding God’s existence, or His activity in the
world, it can be a challenge because faith and belief are viewed as subjective
and biased. These well-intending people turn to social media, politics,
academics, or science searching for sources which are thought to be more
objective and value-free.
The idea
that there even exists subjective and objective “realities” comes from the
philosopher Rene Descartes who made famous the idea of dualism, which is a view
of the world that sees a physical world, and a spiritual world, separate but
interacting. Thus, we have a spirit, and a body. Psychology embraces dualism as
the mind (e.g. psyche) and the body. Additionally, what happens “inside,” such
as emotions, values, and beliefs are viewed as subjective, while what happens
“outside” a person’s experience is viewed as the objective, value-free reality.
because science is the worldview that believes only things
that are observable in the natural world are important, it is viewed as the
neutral, objective, value-free way to discover truth. On the other hand, faith
and religion is the worldview that believes God is deeply
involved in the world. Because people of faith don’t separate the natural from
the supernatural, they are viewed as subjective and biased.
Both of
these worldviews are in actuality a set of beliefs about the world. The main
difference is that those who believe in God are up front about their beliefs,
whereas people who believe only in science pretend they don’t
have values, but rather that they are simply neutral bystanders. However, the idea that
“we should be value and bias-free” is itself a value. It is a value against
values, or a prejudice against prejudice!
Here are a few
examples of science’s non-observable and non-empirical beliefs about
the world:
- Only
observable, “natural,” things matter
- All
answers can be attained without God
- That
there is a natural order to the world (e.g. natural laws)
- All
things and all people are governed and determined by these laws
These are only a few of the beliefs
and values of science. However, that is just what these are, beliefs. In all
reality, these beliefs and values are just as biased as religion's. They are a
lens for seeing and experiencing the world. However, no person has a neutral
perspective of the world, not even scientists.
invitation is to be open to knowledge in all forms, including science! I’m not
discarding science; rather, I’m inviting people to be open to their own biases
and opinions. Furthermore, as Latter-Day Saints, we are encouraged to search
for truth wherever it can be found. To share a few quotes from recent apostles:
“Whether truth comes from a scientific
laboratory or by revelation from God, we seek it!” (Russell Nelson,
General Conference, October 2012).
“ “Mormonism,” so-called, embraces every
principle pertaining to life and salvation, for time and eternity. No matter
who has it. If the infidel has got truth it belongs to “Mormonism.” The truth
and sound doctrine possessed by the sectarian world, and they have a great
deal, all being to this Church. As for their morality, many of them are,
morally, just as good as we are. All that is good, lovely, and praiseworthy
belongs to this Church and Kingdom. “Mormonism” includes all truth. There is no
truth but what belongs to the Gospel” (Discourses of Brigham Young, 3).
To be an honest seeker of truth
requires openness and humility of our own misunderstandings. For understanding
and knowledge to progress, we must own up to the fact that we don’t know
everything. We all have values and opinions that guide our thinking, and that
is totally fine! Truth is truth wherever it is found, no one has a monopoly.
Additionally, God will not hold back truth from anyone who seeks it sincerely,
“Ask, and it shall be given you: seek, and ye shall find: knock, and it shall
be opened unto you” (Matthew 7: 7).
I know God lives; I have experienced him just as I have
experienced the wind blowing although I have never seen wind. I see God’s
effects and feel His influence daily in varying degrees. All
truth comes from Him, because He is, “the way, the truth, and the life” (John
14: 6).
Many of these ideas have been taught to me by Dr. Brent Slife
and Dr. Jeffrey Reber. For more information, look into their research.
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